PRESS RELEASE (September 2013)
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Baumann Plasma Flame Technic AG
Small coating business with a tremendous technological edge
Surface finishing is one of the three topics at
the international trade fair “Schweissen & Schneiden 2013”, which
focuses on joining, cutting and surfacing. To position themselves
competitively, companies constantly endeavour to enhance the quality of
their machines, systems and components, i.e. to protect them against
wear caused by abrasion, erosion and corrosion. Cost reduction and
resource management play an equally important role here. Thermal
spraying, with its broad spectrum of processes, has meanwhile undeniably
proven its worth in this field. Depending on the application, it is
essential to design or alter surfaces in such a way that they can cope
with every demand at a maximum level.
How a small innovative coating business is asked
again and again to contribute its know-how to large research and
development programs is clearly demonstrated by Baumann. For example,
how do you coat components to increase the efficiency of solar projects
from a current 15% to as much as 45%?
The main driving force – finding solutions
Baumann Plasma Flame Technic AG in
Switzerland is
run by the owner himself. Hanspeter Walker
took over the company in 2003 after having worked in partnership with
Baumann for 14 years. During this time, the mechanical engineer
established a coating business called C3Surfaces for a Swiss
manufacturer and subsequently founded his own coating business Walker
MST. Until he took over Baumann AG in 2003, he successfully broadened
his knowledge in the thermal spray sector. Metal spraying fascinated him
so much that he turned his work into a hobby. As the person responsible
for heavy-duty corrosion protection in hydropower plants, oil refineries
and fuel depots, he was able to acquire all-round experience in the
field of surface technology.
“Customer-oriented solutions have always been my
driving force“, explains Hanspeter Walker, “This means results which
solve the problem, are economical and spare resources and the
The acquisition of Baumann made a wish come true.
Years of gathering experience had now paid off for the benefit of the
Partner in a solar project with maximum
Metal and ceramic coatings for repairs and new parts which are deposited
with the thermal spray processes powder-flame spraying, wire-flame
spraying, arc spraying, plasma spraying and high velocity oxy-fuel flame
spraying (HVOF) are just one area Baumann Plasma Flame Technic AG
focuses on. Its second focus is being a reliable development partner for
special applications. One of his partners is Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Georg
Bech, Managing Director of Engineering at Welldone Malta El Sur Ltd.
This consortium with international engineering expertise offers
technical solutions based on special materials, for example, building a
more efficient solar heating plant, or concentrated solar power (CSP)
system, to better exploit the 65% efficiency which is theoretically
available in gas and steam turbines. Combined with a hot gas storage
system, a total efficiency of 45% can be achieved compared to Spanish
solar heating systems with salt storage which only manage around 22% to
26%. The basic principle is a specially developed “centrepiece” in which
the sun’s rays are bundled and can be raised to a temperature of 2000°C.
The solar heat is transferred in pipes using heated nitrogen. The heated
volume of the nitrogen serves as an energy source to drive the gas
turbine. The project was induced by the still very low yield of only 15%
for current photovoltaic technology. In our latitudes, the summer sun
can only be exploited at midday and its actual storage still presents an
enormous problem. Georg Ulrich Bech, who has “totally internalized” the
field of special materials, first gained experience in the steel
industry in the 70s, then changed to application technology and worked
in Switzerland for twelve years. Grinning, he remarks: “25 years ago,
experienced engineers ironically maintained that harnessing solar energy
in Germany
was like growing pineapples in Greenland.”
Even today the recovery and economic exploitation of the sun is still
problematical. The Chinese with their inefficient solar power plants are
dying to get their hands on Bech’s special centrepiece, especially as
the old facilities could continue to be used.
Innovation, creativity and reliability
An intensive development process was needed to get the “centrepiece”
ready for use in high-temperature solar applications. The high
temperatures required that many components be made of special materials
to withstand the extreme conditions. This meant that suitable materials
for coating the different components and appropriate coating methods
needed to be found. Ulrich Georg Bech therefore began his search for the
right partner and chose Hanspeter Walker, the owner of Baumann. Their
joint activities started around ten years ago and included various
projects, one of which was the coating of medical devices for the
end-user, in particular hip implants. Here, Ulrich Georg Bech explains:
“Mr Walker and his company Baumann are a typical example of the “right
mix”. With him, I know my development project is in good hands because I
can trust him 100 per cent. He is an expert in the manufacture of
coatings, just like many others too, but what is equally important are
three assets he possesses which are crucial in the joint development
process: innovation, creativity and reliability. This would not be
possible in a large enterprise where chief executives often change and
know-how simply disappears.”
Quality assurance and certification
Baumann Plasma Flame Technic AG is successful because company policy is
based on the principle of the three pillars: “customer”, “staff” and
“management”. It is solution oriented and offers high flexibility, short
lead times, and a good price-performance ratio – all qualities which the
customer appreciates and respects.
In its equipment line-up, Baumann has three
sound-proof booths. One is exclusively used for medical applications,
for example depositing titanium-hydride coatings on implants with air
plasma spraying. Spraying with titanium hydride provides an enlarged
porous surface which in turn facilitates biocompatible bone ingrowth.
This type of coating is applied to human implants and in animal
Baumann’s range of offerings also includes
research and development for companies setting up business in the field
of heat transfer elements for heating systems in cars or heating for
alternative drive modules. Consulting with respect to equipment and the
sale of auxiliaries, e.g. powder and wire, for smaller coating
businesses is yet another service Baumann provides.
A further research project deals with the coating
of fuel cells. Fuel-cell technology is one of the most ecological ways
of obtaining energy from natural gas or bio-natural gas. Efficiency and
sustainability thanks to fuel cells. In an electrochemical process, fuel
cells transform gas which is rich in hydrogen into heat and power at an
enhanced level of efficiency. The model for the future – ideal for
electronics and heating needs in buildings.
The Baumann enterprise is one of approximately 200
members of GTS, the Association of Thermal Sprayers, and has been the
proud owner of the GTS Certificate since 2008 – the first certificate
worldwide for thermal spray processes, personnel and products. With this
certification, GTS members clearly distinguish themselves from other
companies with conventional certification. GTS e. V., founded and
officially registered in 1992, is now an organization on a global level
uniting industry, small coating businesses, trading companies and
research organizations involved in thermal spraying. It keeps its
members up to date by way of specialist conferences and exhibitions. 13
of its members will be present at the trade fair “Schweißen & Schneiden
Baumann AG has also recently been certified in
accordance with ISO 9001:2008.
Hanspeter Walker, who has become a trendsetter
with his cutting edge technology, is now seriously working on a
succession plan for his company. Sustainability with emphasis on
existing customers and staff, of course, takes top priority here.
Hanspeter Walker (left) and one
of his staff in front
of a control unit for a plasma system used in the
medical sector. |
Booth 3: installations used
exclusively in the medical sector.
A coated fuel cell. |
Corrosion protection on a rotor. |
Author: Ursula Mertig, MM Mertig Marktkommunikation, Munich-Gauting
Baumann Plasma Flame Technic AG
Hanspeter Walker
Company owner
Baumann Plasma Flame Technic AG
Hofstrasse 1, 8181 Höri b.Bülach, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 44 864 4490, Fax: +41 44 864 4491
Werner Krömmer
Executive Board Member
GTS e. V., Association of Thermal Sprayers
c/o Linde AG, Linde Gas Division Carl-von-Linde-Str. 25, 85716
Unterschleissheim, Germany
Tel: +49 89 31001-5546, Fax: +49 89 31001-5364